Cynthia Felice
About Her Writing…
Cynthia Felice is best known for her complex, carefully plotted novels.
These, which range from the complicated menage a trois in The Sunbound
to the marital contention in Eclipses, have been described as engrossing,
amusing, and compelling. Exotic, exciting detailed settings and intense
interpersonal relationships make her novels some of the reliably enjoyable
science fiction on the market today, and have inspired such comments as
“Let me choose my words carefully. This is the finest science fiction
novel I have read in the last five Years” in Science Fiction Review,
and “…fun, fast and full of schemes that keep it entertaining” Locus.
Writing Workshop Enthusiast
Cynthia Felice attended the Clarion Writer’s Workshop in 1976,
the Milford workshops in 1977, 1980, 1981, and 1983. With Edward
Bryant, she co-founded the Colorado Springs Writers’ Workshop, and
ongoing forum for writing iconoclasts and rebels since 1974. She
served on the selection panel for the Western States Arts Foundation
for Writers’ Community Workshops, the 1988 Nebula Jury, and has been
a guest lecturer and instructor at colleges, high schools, and workshops.
As a writer who is over the age of 50 with a library card, Felice believes
she has a lot to share with would-be writers and students.
Awards and Distinctions
Cynthia Felice was nominated for the John W. Campbell Award after the publication
of her first novel, Godsfire. She received the Award for Outstanding
Paper from the Society for Technical Communication for her paper, “
The Future is Now for Automating Document Control, a Case History for the User.”
Other Professional Endeavors
Cynthia Felice’s peculiar insistence on eating regularly and sleeping
in a warm bed inspired her to prevail as a member of the work force for
more than twenty-five years. Her inquiring intellect and engineering
bent led her to become a sales engineer for capital equipment the electronics
field, a motel owner, and a manager of configuration control departments
for major corporations.